Sample transparency label
Sample transparency label

Let there be LITE!

Our Label for IoT Transparency Enhancement (LITE) helps protect the privacy of people who use Internet of Things devices. It does so by bringing important privacy facts to the attention of users, whereas normally this info is buried under a ton of paper.

Unlike other proposed designs, ours has been validated via usability tests, so we know that non-experts and experts alike can benefit from these labels. The design also considers feedback from security, privacy and legal experts, and it is rooted in the GDPR.

The label is augmented with an on-line interface, which provides search and sort functionality, as well as additional visualizations and details that don't fit on a printed label.

Some quotes from our usability studies

  • "I do think such kind of labels are essential" (P28/1)
  • "They kind of show you their hand, like in poker almost [..] I think that is good for the customer" (P2/1)
  • "I get so much data just by looking at that" (P10/1)
  • "... it looks very complete" (P6/2)
  • "The highlighting is really cool!" (P1/2)
  • "The faster way for me was looking at the data flow, it was more concise!" (P12/2)